1600 Cambridge Drive
Davidsville, PA 15928
Call 814.288.2880


The Oakwood Restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a special focus on weekend buffets.

Every Sunday from 11am-2pm we offer the area’s very best Sunday Brunch Buffet, with a host of entrees, hot side dishes, made-to-order breakfast omelets, fresh breads, sweet rolls, salads, soups and wonderful desserts.

Our delicious entrees, signature buffets, and fabulous baked goods have made us locally famous. We’re pleased to invite you and your family to dine with us. We particularly recommend reservations for our weekend buffets ....
call (814)288-2880. Thanks!

You may review our menu and check out our daily specials by clicking on
the links in the menu box to the right. We offer heart healthy choices and
a constant variety of stupendous dessert specials. Hope to see you soon
at the Oakwood!