Oakwood Restaurant Davidsville, PA
The Oakwood Restaurant is a beautiful, family-friendly restaurant and banquet hall on the campus of Laurel View Village in Davidsville, just minutes from both Johnstown, PA and Somerset, PA.
Our delicious entrees, signature buffets, and fabulous baked goods have made us locally famous. We are pleased to invite you and your family to dine with us.
We are also eager to host your special event. Our banquet facility is perfect
for wedding receptions, parties, banquets, dances, showers, seminars, and business meetings. We have an exceptional staff, experienced in food service and hospitality. We can make your event spectacular. We urge you to call for booking information.
We have many dates available for banquets, weddings, or other special events. Click here to see our banquet calendar.
For more information, please call: (814) 288-2880.